

AAMP Apartment Asian Massage Parlor, a residential apartment instead of a commercial store

AAMP or AMP Asian-American Massage Parlor (more politically correct acronym)

ABC American born Chinese

ABJ American born Japanese

AFF Adult Friend Finder (a popular USA dating website)

AFF Asian Friend Finder (a popular Asian dating website)

Agency a business/company that handles bookings, advertising, screening, and phone calls f

Aircon BBBJ + Hacks (a sweet mint) Example: When the masseuse asks, “want aircon?” if ye

Amazon A masculine female, tall and strong

AMP Asian Massage Parlor

Analingus licking anus, anal rimming (Oral stimulation of anus)

Anal Rimming Oral stimulation of anus

AR Anal Rimming (Oral stimulation of anus)

Around the world Analingus and Fellatio

Asian Cowgirl Girl on top, squatting

AR Ass Rim, Anal Rimming

ASP Adult Service Provider

ATF All Time Favorite

ATM Ass To Mouth

Aunt Flo Menstruation

AVN Adult Video News/Awards, a porn industry convention and and awards show


Babyback Petite, young, attractive Asian

Backpage An online database where escorts post their ads, generally separated by region, an

Bad Boy Report A website where providers can report a rip-off client, dangerous client, a sta

Bait and Switch Person who shows up is a different one than advertised

Baja Sur Genitals From the spanish “the low south”

Balloons Breast implants

Bareback Sex without condom

Barracuda A professional prostitute who’s only purpose is to separate you from your money a

BBBJ Bare Back Blow Job (oral sex without condom)

BBBJTC Bare Back Blow Job to Completion (oral sex to orgasm) BBBJNQNS Bare Back Blow Job No Quit No Spit

BBBJTCWS Bare Back Blow Job to Completion with Swallowing

BBBJWF Bare Back Blow Job With Facial

BBFS Bare Back Full Service (sex without condom)

BBS Barber Shop

BBW Big Beautiful Woman

BCD Behind Closed Doors

BDSM Bondage, Discipline, Sado-Masochism.

Beret A condom.

Beso Negro Anal Rimming

BF Boy Friend

BFA Big Fat Ass

BFE Boy Friend Experience

BGR Boy-Girl-Relationship

BGB Boy-girl-boy, as is a threesome with two guys and one girl

BJ Blow Job (oral sex on a man)

BL Body Lick

Blackhole Anus

BLS Ball Licking and Sucking

Blue Pill Viagra

Blue Steel Viagra

Boutique Agency An agency that typically does not use fake pictures, upsell, or rip guys off, m

Brothel A business establishment where men can stop in and pay for a sexual service

Brothel Girl prostitute who works out of a brothel

Brown Shower Defecation on your partner

BS Body slide Service where woman may slide her body on yours using oil, or Nuru

BS Body Scrub

BSD Big Swinging Dick

BSW Black Street Walker

BTW By the Way

Butterface Everything looks good, but her face


Call Agency An agency that typically employs hundreds or even thousands of escorts, who ca

Call Girl Outcall provider usually implies call type agency

Cash and Dash takes the money and runs

Casino Girl  prostitute who hangs out at the bar in the casino soliciting

CBJ Covered Blow Job (oral sex with a condom)

CC Roman Numeral for 200. Roman numerals sometimes used for fees. (Roman Numeral co CC Credit Card

CC Rider Full service provider costing $200 or less

CCL Concentration Camp Look

CD Cross-dresser: transvestite, a person, and especially a male who adopts the dress and oft

CDS Covered Doggy Style

CFF Chinese Friend Finder (a popular dating website)

CFM Come Fuck Me, usually refer to the look of a person

CFS Covered Full Service (sex with condom)

CG Call Girls, prostitute who works for a call agency

CG Casino Girls, prostitute who hangs out at the bar in the casino soliciting

CG Club Girls, prostitute who works out of a strip club

CH Crazy Horse, SF Strip Club, LV strip club

Chump A man who gives his money and/or his attention to women without getting any puss

CIM Cum in Mouth

City Vibe An online database where escorts pay to post their ads, generally separated by reg

Civilian A woman who makes herself available for sexual encounters but not for financial ga

CL Craigslist, a popular classified ad website where escorts have been known to advertise an

Client A person who purchases  or receives prostitution services from a provider

Clockwatcher A term for a provider who counts the minutes until the session is over

Club Girl prostitute who works out of a strip club

CMD Carpet Matches Drapes (typically a natural blonde)

CMP Chinese Massage Parlor

CMT Certified Massage Therapist. A professional masseuse

COB Cum on Breast

COF Cum on Face

Collar and Cuffs match Pubic hair matches natural hair-color (redheads, blondes)

Completion Orgasm e.g. She gave a bareback blowjob to completion

Completo Spanish for “complete”, usually meaning with or including anal sex

Courtesan Prostitute who engages in longer dates, accompanies clients on trips, overnights,

Cover Condom

Covered Various measures, such as the use of condoms or dental dams, are taken to avoid d

CHHFS Covered Half Hour Full Service

CG Cowgirl girl on top facing you

Craigslist A popular classified ad website where escorts have been known to advertise and o

Crime scene action Sexual activity during her period

Cruising Looking for prostitutes while driving

Cups of Coffee How many times a release or orgasm happened


Dance and Dash A rip-off. She shows up, takes your money, doesn’t provide, might offer to “

Date A session with a prostitute

Date-Check A third party website that acts as a pre-screening service, but is more like a clas

DATO Dining at the O, Anilingus, oral stimulation of the anus

DATY Dining at the Y (Performing oral sex on a woman)

DDE Doesn’t Do Extras (PS only)

DDF Drug and Disease Free

DDG Drop Dead Gorgeous

DDP Double Digit Penetration (pussy and anus), or just DP

Deep Throat where the whole length of the penis is “swallowed”

Defender A poster who defends or “comes to the rescue” of a provider who has been review

Deposit A provider requires an upfront payment in advance of a session

DFE Dead Fish Experience

DFF Dead Fish Fuck

DFK Deep French Kissing

DIY Do It Yourself (masturbation)

Doggie Man behind girl, girl on hands and knees

Doggie Style Man behind girl, girl on hands and knees

Donation Payment to a provider

Doubles A threesome with two girls and you

DP Double Penetration

DP Digital penetration

DS Doggy Style

DSL Dick Sucking Lips

DT Dining at the Toes

DT Deep Throat

Dude street lingo for pimp

Dungeon A place where dominatrices and clients or just plain civilian people can go to use a E-

ECCIE a review board for clients and providers to screen and connect with one another

Ed Zachary disease A woman with an unattractive face

Ellie LE, Law Enforcement

EMA Extra-Marital-Affairs. Affairs after marriage

EMP European Massage Parlor (white girls)

Enhancements Breast implants, butt implants, lip implants

Envelope Often cash payments for a provider are placed in an envelope. Rather than handing

EOM End Of Message

Eros An online database where escorts pay to post their ads, generally separated by region, a

Escort A woman who is paid for her companionship, a temporary companion for hire

Escort Mall An online database where escorts pay to post their ads, generally separated by re F-

Face painting Man ejaculates on woman’s face

Facial Cumming on partner’s face FBSM Full Body Sensual Massage

FFF Refers to the strategy of “Find them, Fuck them, Forget them”

Fire and ice a blowjob switching between hot tea and ice

FIV Finger In Vagina

Five-O A police officer (uniformed or undercover)

FJ Foot job. Stimulation of the penis using feet and toes

FJ Fuck Job

FK French Kiss, French Kissing

FKK Frei Körper Kultur (German brothel / nudist club)

FL Free Lance

Flake Flaky Errant behavior, often used for providers who no-show and/or have scheduling is

FOB Fresh Off the Boat (Asian immigrant recently arrived in the US)

FOBU Fat-Old-Bald-Ugly

FOTC Fuck Of The Century

FOV Finger Outside Vagina

FR Field Report, Fuck Review

French Oral sex on either party

French Kissing Kissing on mouth with tongue contact

French Without Oral sex without condom

FS Full Service (complete sex)

Full meal deal Full Service, Vaginal intercourse to completion

Full Service Intercourse

FUTBFinger Up The Butt


GBG Girl-Boy-Girl, as in a threesome with two girls and one guy

Get Comfortable Get completely naked

GDP Garota de Program (working girl, on the program)

GF Girl Friend

GFE Girl Friend Experience, typically BBBJ, CFS, DFK, DATY, and MSOG

GF3 Girl Friend Experience w/all three holes

Glove Condom

GND Girl Next Door

Golden Shower Urinating on your partner, urine play

Greek Anal sex

GRO Guest Relations Officer (The Philippines) Generally refers to women in the employ of n

GS Golden Shower (urination play)

GSM G-Spot Massage

GV Geschlechtsverkehr = Intercourse (in German)


Half and Half Oral sex followed by intercourse.

Happy ending A handjob (usually) or blowjob after your massage

Hardwood Floors Clean shaven pussy

Hat Condom

HC Health Center

HC High Class

HDH high dollar hottie

HE Happy Ending

Herb Friendly Is open to marijuana use

HH half hour

HHHJ Half Hearted Hand Job

Hidden Charges A provider takes the advertised fee upfront, but midway through the session

Hindu Massage (Argentina) The woman contracts her vaginal muscles during sex to squeeze HJ Hand Job

HM High Mileage

HME Honeymoon Experience (lapdog heaven)

Hobby The patronizing of prostitutes.

Hobbyist A man who visit prostitutes with some frequency, and calls himself a “hobbyist” be Hooker Prostitute

Hostess Club A lower end strip club where bargaining for sex acts with the dancers is accept

Hourly A hotel or establishment you can rent by the hour instead of paying for a full night

House An underground brothel, often with trafficked and/or underage women

HR Hand Release (a hand job)

HSW Hispanic Street Walker

HTUMA Her Tongue Up My Ass, a rim job

HWP Height and Weight Proportionate


IMHO In My Humble/Honest Opinion

Independent, Indie An escort who works on her own, without an agency affiliation. The esco

IPO Initial public offering: used to denote the public introduction of a new provider, usually vi ISO In Search Of

Italian Penis rubbing between butt cheeks


Jack Shack Refers to an establishment (massage parlor, lingerie modeling) that is not usuall

Jimmy Hat A condom

John A man who patronizes prostitutes


Kitty  vagina


Lapdog Person who worships providers to excess

L/A/S Looks/Attitude/Service: A subjective ranking system. Each criteria separately ranked, f

Landing Strip Description of pubic hair

LBFM Little Brown Fucking Machine

LC Local Chinese

LCN Latin Chica Network (The chica’s mental telepathy network system, which is faster than

LDL low dollar looker (opposite of HDH)

LE Law Enforcement

LEO Law Enforcement Officer

LFK Light Face Kissing

Little Blue Helper Viagra

Little Blue Pill Viagra

LK Light Kissing (closed mouth)

LMP Licensed Massage Practitioner

LOL Laugh Out Loud

LOS Land of Smiles (refers to Thailand)

Lot Lizards Prostitutes who operate out of truck stops or other trucker hangouts

LSB Lap Sup Bar (low class bar)

LT Long Time (usually overnight)

L1, L2, L3 UTR Slang for Handjob, blowjob, full service

LTR Long Term Relationship Madame Proprietress of an agency


Mall, Escort Mall A website that advertises many different providers. The providers may be

Mamasan Female manager of a massage parlor

Man in a boat little man in a boat Clitoris

Massage Parlor A residential apartment instead of a commercial storefront usually where se

MBR Multiple Bell Ringing (MSOG)

Mediterranean Anal sex e.g. “She took me on a trip to the Mediterranean”

Merkin Pubic hair wig

MFF Male-female-female, as in a threesome with one guy and two girls

MFM Male-female-male, as in a threesome with two guys and one girl

MG Massage Girl

MIB Man in blue, law enforcement officer

Mileage A subjective term that describes value for money and/or how accommodating she is

MILF Mother I’d Like to Fuck

Mish Missionary position, man on top during intercourse

Missionary Man on top, girl on back

MJ Massage Job

ML Make Love

ML Massage Lady

MM Man made breasts

Mohawk A thin rectangular strip of pubic hair

Monger Short for W h o r e monger. One who frequents prostitutes

MP Massage Parlor

MP Multiple Pops (multiple releases)

MPA Massage Parlor Attendant

MSOG Multiple Shots on Goal (multiple releases)

Multiple Pops She allows you to have more than 1 orgasm during the session (e.g. more tha N-

National Blacklist A website where providers can report a dangerous client and be aware of

NCNS No call, no show for appointment, stood up

Newbie A novice hobbyist or novice provider

NGP Non Genuine Photos

NMG No-Money Guys. Mongers who travel on a strict budget

Nooner A lunch-time or afternoon session, popular with married hobbyists

No-Show Escort or Client never shows up for an appointment, does not contact in advance to

No-Touch No touching allowed. (e.g. No-touch Jack shack, no-touch strip club)

NQBC Non-quitter, but covered. CBJ to completion

NQBS Non-quitter, but spitter. BBBJTC and spits your ejaculate

NQNS Non-quitter, non-spitter. BBBJTC and swallows your ejaculate

NSA No Strings Attached

NURU Nude body rub / slide with oils


O Orgasm

Os orgasms

Off-the-clock Activities that occur with a provider that she chooses not to charge for. (e.g. “W

OKP Or-Kui-Poh – It means a Female pimp in Hokkien, a Chinese dialect, but sometimes peo

OKT Or-Kui-Tao – It means a Male pimp in Hokkien, a Chinese dialect, but sometimes people

OMFIAMP One Man’s Food Is Another Man’s Poison, (pronounced “Ohm-Fam”)

ONS One Night Stand

OTOH On the Other Hand

Outcall The girl provider comes to you

Out, Outed Private, personal information on a hobbyist or provider is made public. e.g. Some

OV Oralverkehr = Oral Sex (in German)

OVN Overnight

OWO Oral With Out a condom

OWOTC Oral Without Condom To Completion


P4P Pay for Play. Refers to the concept of paying for sex

Papasan Male manager of a massage parlor

Party Hat Condom

Pearl Necklace Man ejaculates on woman’s neck and/or chest

PFF Pussy For Free

Pimp A person who controls prostitutes and requires the prostitute to give them most / all th

Pinay a Philippine Girl

PIV Penis in Vagina

PL Pathetic Loser

PM Private Message sent via the Forum’s Private Message service.

PO Phone Operator

POF Plenty of Fish

Pooner A hobbyist who is immersed in the hobby culture. e.g. He may be very involved with

Pops, multiple She allows you to have more than 1 orgasm during the session (e.g. more tha

POS Pussy on the Side

Papers STD tests, example, “I’m clean, I’ll show you my papers, let’s not use condoms”

Preferred 411 A third party date check service where both providers and clients can be screen

Price per act More common with streetwalkers and call agencies, girl charges a price per act

Prostitution Trading sexual services for items of value or money

Provider Prostitute

PS Private Show (Dance)

PSE Porn Star Experience

Punter British slang for a man who engages in sex with prostitutes.

PV Private Viewing (Dance)

PW Pussy Whipped (A guy controlled by a girl because she gives him sex)


R & T Rub and Tug (a massage followed by a hand job)

RA Relaxation Assistant

Raincoat Condom

RAW Sex without condom

RB (a former review site based in the San Francisco Bay Area, now shut dow

RCA Reverse Cowgirl Anal

Renegade An independent prostitute who doesn’t use a pimps services

REQ Request – Used in the subject line of a post to indicate the body contains a request for i

REV Review – Used in the subject line of a post to indicate the body contains review of a pro

Reverse Cowgirl Girl on top facing away

Reverse Half and Half Intercourse followed by oral sex to completion

Reverse Massage You massage her

Review A critical evaluation of a provider. May include information on her looks, attitude and

Review Boards An online database where clients and providers openly chat about prostitutio

Reverse Oral The client performs oral sex on the provider

Rimming Analingus

RLD Red Light District

RMP Russian Massage Parlor

ROB Rip Off B i t c h

ROFLMAO Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing My Ass Off

Roman An orgy situation

Roman Shower Vomit play

Roses As in hundred dollar bills, how many roses equals how many hundreds of dollars, for e

RPG Role playing games

RSK2 A third party date check service where men can pay for membership, be screened by th

RTF Return To Fuck

RTFF Read the Fucking Forum

Russian Penis rubbing between breasts/titty fuck

Russian In Australia Short sex session, aka a “Quickie”


Safe Sexual activity in which various measures, such as the use of condoms or dental dams,

San Juan Capistrano BBBJTC and she swallows

Sandbag, Sandbagger A subjective term for a review (or reviewer) that misleads the reader b

Sans Without. e.g. She provided french sans beret = BBBJ

SC Strip Club

Scat Defecation on your partner or feces play

Screening A provider or agency does a pre-session background check on a new client

Seeking Arrangements A classifieds style website that men and women can meet one anoth

Self-post A provider or agency poses as a hobbyist, and posts a highly positive review of hers Self-Service You masturbate e.g. “It was a self-service jack shack” = no contact with the dan

Sensual Massage Not usually full service; expect only massage (usually nude or topless) and

Session Paid time spent with a provider

Sex Worker Catch all phrase sometimes used to describe prostitutes. May also be used in th

SFH Sex for hire

SG Street Girls

Shemale Transexual particularly one who is living as a woman, but hasn’t had SRS. Penis ma Shill An insider posing as a satisfied customer

Shill A hobbyist who writes unwarranted positive reviews in exchange for discounts or specia

Shots on goal Shot On Goal (one release/orgasm)

Sixty Nine , 69 Partners perform oral sex on each other simultaneously

Slam, Slammed An unwarranted harsh review or abusive criticism of a provider

Slixa An online database where escorts pay to post their ads, generally separated by region,

SO Significant Other

SOF Shit on Floor

SOG Shot On Goal (one release/orgasm)

SOMF Sat on my face

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

Soixante neuf 69 : Partners perform oral sex on each other simultaneously

South of the Border Genital Region

Southern France BBBJ

SP Service Provider

SPA streetwalker stroll: San Pablo Avenue in Oakland, CA

Spanish ATM Ass to Mouth

Spanish In Australia Penis between breasts

Spinner Very petite, thin girl

Sponge An absorbent item inserted into the vagina during a menstrual cycle

Squirting, Squirter Female ejaculation, a provider who ejaculates

SRS Sexual reassignment surgery

ST Short Time

STD Sexually Transmitted Disease

Sting A female police officer poses as a prostitute to apprehend unsuspecting johns, or a ma

STR Short Term Relationship

Street action Prostitution that is solicited on public streets. Prostitutes (usually on foot) are p

Stripper Slide A provider slides her vagina back and forth across male genitalia uncovered

Stroll Path frequented by street walkers A classifieds-style website that men (sugar daddies) and women (sugar ba

Summer Teeth Her teeth, some are there, some are not

Sunshine, Sunny Without a condom

SW Street Walker

SW Sex Worker

SWOP Sex Workers Outreach Program, a non-profit company that provides services to prosti

Sybian A mechanical sex device that is in the shape of half-barrel with a dildo attachment m

SYT Sweet Young Thing


Take care of business Payment is made to provider. e.g. “She wanted to take care of busines TAMP Therapeutic Asian Massage Parlor

TCSS Talk Cock Sing Song

Teabag Man squats and dips balls in partner’s mouth

TER The Erotic Review, a review board for clients and providers to screen and connect with o

TG Transgender

TGTBT Too Good To Be True

Throne Job Self-service hand job. Refers to an establishment that doesn’t offer FS. The prem Tina crystal meth

Tipping required Hidden charges, provider demands more than the advertised price in order t

TLD topless lap dance

TLN Toda La Noche (“All the Night” in Spanish)

TOFTT Take one for the team. In reference to a new, non-reviewed provider

Took one for the team A hobbyist reviews a provider who has no (or scattered) reviews. He w

TOS Take Out Service

Tossing Salad analingus

Translation, translator Condom i.e. “She spoke fluent french without a translator” = BBBJ

Tri-F A devotee to the “Find them, Fuck them, Forget them” strategy

Trick A sex act for money

Trick A man who patronizes prostitutes

Troll Rude and hideous person

Trolling Posting thinly disguised ads in a discussion forum

Trolling The act of driving around looking for a prostitute

TS Table Shower

TS Transexual

TTA Tight Tan Ass

Tuft Description of pubic hair

TUMA Tongue Up My Ass

Turn tricks Prostitution

TV Transvestite

TVSW Transvestite Street Walker

Two Call System For incall locations. Your first call is to set up the time and get the general U-

Umbrella Condom

Uncovered Without a condom

Upsell The price changes once she gets in the room

UTR Under The Radar, a provider who doesn’t mass-market advertise


Vet Screen a potential client to make sure they’re legit and safe to see

VFM Value For Money


WAH Wild Ass Humping

Water Sports Urination play

Weeklies Alternative weekly newspapers. These often contain various adult service listings, WF Wild Fuck

WG Working girl. A prostitute.

WK White Knight A review board poster who defends or “comes to the rescue” of a provider

Whore monger One who habitually patronizes prostitutes. See

With With condom

Without Without condom.

WIR Would I Repeat, Would I Return, Would I Recommend

WL Working Lady

WOA Word of Advice

Working girl A prostitute WSW White Street Walker WTF What the Fuck?


X Kiss

O Hug

XOXO Kisses & Hugs


YMMV Your Mileage May Vary, reviews aren’t always consistent, usually depends on how w

1/2 and 1/2 Half and half , oral sex + full service

411 information, details

420 4:20 friendly open to marijuana use

69 oral sex at the same time, usually facing opposite directions



A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money



Slang for a conventionally attractive, sexualized, naive, and unintelligent woman. An attractive but empty-headed young woman, especially one perceived as a willing sex object. 



A building in which prostitutes are available, a brothel, a place where men pay to have sex



A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money



A woman who lives with a man but has lower status than his wife or wives. A woman who, in some societies, lives and has sex with a man she is not married to. An interpersonal and sexual relationship between a man and a woman in which the couple does not want, or cannot enter into a full marriage.



A woman prostitute, especially one whose clients are members of a royal court or men of high social standing. A mistress of a king or of a man of wealth or nobility


CSW Commercial Sex Worker

The term sex work, or commercial sex work, is generally understood to include a wide range of behaviors and venues, such as stripping, street prostitution, brothel prostitution, paid domination, and sexual massage, among others 



a lewd or licentious person, especially a prostitute



A lover or mistress. a prostitute. an immoral or sexually promiscuous woman


Fancy woman 

A woman of questionable morals, specifically prostitute. The woman that a person is having a sexual relationship with, but is not married to. a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money. an immoral woman, especially a man’s mistress



A Japanese traditional female hostess, entertainer and performing artist.



A person who forms relationships with others purely to extract money from them, in particular a woman who strives to marry a wealthy man.


Grande  Horizontale

 A high-status prostitute; a courtesan.






A person (usually a woman) who has sex with strangers. Gives into flirtation from strangers and dresses extremely revealing.



The definition of a hooker is a slang term for a prostitute or someone who exchanges sex for money.



A prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets



A girl or woman who behaves in a disrespectful or inappropriate way or who has many casual sexual relationships. A mischievous, impudent, or ill-behaved girl. A woman or girl who is sexually immoral. A lewd or brazen woman.


Lady of Pleasure

A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money.


Lady of the Evening 

Old-fashioned slang for a hooker prostitute.


Lady of the Night

A promiscuous girl who enters a man’s house after dusk and is out before dawn in an effort to keep her adventurous sex life as private as possible. Easy-living girl with love for sale.


Member of  the Oldest Profession 




A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for payment


Nagar Vadhu

The most beautiful woman, and most talented in various dance forms, a courtesan



An illicit or secret lover. the person you are having a romantic or sexual relationship with, but are not married to. a sexual or romantic partner. A sweetheart.




Having sexual relations with many people



The Indian word for a female prostitute. A woman who engages in sexual activity for payment.


Scarlet Woman

A woman who is notorious for having many casual sexual encounters or relationships. A sexually promiscuous woman, especially a prostitute or a woman who commits adultery.



A slovenly, untidy woman or girl, a slut, harlot.



A person, especially a woman, who is sexually promiscuous.



A prostitute, especially one who solicits in the streets. A prostitute who looks for customers on the streets and in other public places.



A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for payment



A succubus is a demon or supernatural entity in folklore, in female form, that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. A demon assuming female form to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep.



A woman who dresses or behaves in a way that people think is immoral. a female who is attractive and has the air of being promiscuous, even if she isn’t.



A professional courtesan serving the nobility, especially under the Mughal Empire; (derogatory), a whore, courtesan, dancing girl, a wench; a slut, good or virtuous woman, 



An immoral or sexually promiscuous woman. An untidy or slovenly woman



A girl or young woman. · A country girl. · A female servant. · A sexually loose and immoral woman. A stout voluptuous maiden, A girl or young woman, especially a buxom or lively one



Someone who participates in sexual acts in exchange for money. Any woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse.



A high-class courtesan in ancient China


 Acrylic Toys 
Acrylic toys are quickly becoming a new alternative to glass ones. It is a very body-safe material as is glass it is much denser and will not break but somehow far lighter
Adult Toys 
‘Adult toy’ is a catch-all term applied to pretty much everything we have listed in our glossary section. Any toy that adds fun to the bedroom, that should be kept away from younger eyes
 Anal Beads 
Anal beads are held by strings or formed as one-piece in a wand-like fashion. The bead sizes may be the same or varied, most often they increase in size along the length.
Anal Hook 
Metallic and curved into a hook-like form, the shorter end is inserted and the longer end has a ring for tying rope through. Some feature balls bumps or ribbing, popular within the BDSM lifestyle.
Anal Lubricant 
Anal lubricants are usually specially formulated for anal use. They are thicker and have a lower osmolality so that they are not absorbed quickly.

Anal Pearls

Anal pearls’ is another name for anal-beads, typically referring to the stringed type. They allow for insertion one at a time and can be tugged from the outside to arouse your partner.

Anal Plug 

Anal Plugs are an insertable ass-toy they have a larger base that stops it from sliding inside. They can be worn for a while, many people start with a smaller plug and increase the size. 

Anal Toys 
This refers to any adult toy that’s been given the thumbs up for sliding in your butt. The shape is the main difference. They should be wider at the bottom to prevent them from getting lost.

Substances that increase arousal. Oysters, strawberries, horny goat weed and ginseng are deemed to lift libidos. Some argue it could be a placebo effect.

App-Controlled Toys   
The latest in wireless adult toys. They let you control your masturbation from your mobile. Although, some companies may be keeping a record of your data.
An ass-cone as the name implies is a conical shaped toy that you can sit on the girth on offer is much more extreme than a plug offers up and you can use it in a hands-free manner and let gravity do its job
Automated Sex Toys 
Automated sex toys do the work for you, no cycling through vibrational or sucking patterns. You just switch it on and sit back. Some are very advanced and provide randomized presets for unique experiences.
Bad Dragon ToysDespite many companies catering to the freakier customers, Bad Dragon has made a big name for themselves for their beastly dildo’s, reptilian appendages, alien orifices and tentacles up for grabs.
Ball GagsBall gags are mouth gags that feature a ball in the middle to spread the lips. They are worn by a submissive partner.
Ball LockA ball lock is worn by a male BDSM slave around the scrotum pulling them down or squashing them. Some have individual chambers for each testicle. They are a popular form of cock and ball torture.
BDSM FurnitureThis refers to bondage furniture adapted for keeping a slave on display, keeping them submissive, and easy to access. There’s a huge variety of items from pillows to benches, stocks, and cages.
Ben Wa BallsBen Wa are pairs of small weighted balls you can insert into the vagina, they go by many names such as geisha balls or rin-no-tama. They can help with kegal exercise and arousal.
Body ChocolatePretty self-explanatory, but body chocolate or chocolate body paint is chocolate you can paste onto your lovers and eat from them, but things can get a little sticky.
Bondage And Discipline (B/D) Toys & Accessories Bondage and discipline toys or B/D toys refers to a huge range of products for restraining a consenting partner or punishing them we have tried to include a variety in our glossary.
BlindfoldsBlindfolds are used to take away sight during sexual acts and make them more aware of other senses, heightening their sensitivity to touch.
Blow Job  ToysBlow job toys are toys that aim to simulate oral sex on a male. They do this by manually or electronically creating a vacuum and the more advanced out there have beads that create a stroking motion.
Bullet Vibrator

Bullet vibrators are small but mighty, lacking in the size department they are typically used for clit and labia stimulation but are also popular for muffing within the trans community.
Butt PlugAs you can probably guess a butt-plug is another name for an anal plug they can be used to train and widen your back-passage for anal sex or worn during vaginal penetration for twice the fun.
Butterfly VibratorButterfly vibrators are suitably named because they have a central vibrating body with wing-like parts. They are great for lesbian couples for vibing together.
Cattle ProdA cattle prod is a crude term for an electro-stimulation rod. It resembles a genuine electronic cattle prod. Some give a constant flow of electricity others emit it only when triggered.
CBT Toys & AccessoriesCBT stands for cock and ball torture. there are a whole host of gnarly and inventive ways to torture male genitals, including cock cages, ball locks, clamps, and humblers.
ChainsChains are pretty self-explanatory, they are used as a restraint tool in bondage practice. They come in different gauges and are made from different metals.
Chastity AccessoriesChastity devices are for preventing sexual activity, the idea of not being able to get any sexual gratification without permission can be a huge turn-on. They are also used for discipline.
ClampsClamps are clips that pinch the skin, some are a single metallic clip others have chains between so you can attach one part to another.
Clitoral StimulatorClitoral stimulators are toys designed specifically with external use on the clitoris in mind. They can be vibrating or sucking toys.
Clit PumpClit pumps are suction devices that create an intense vacuum around the clitoris, they enlarge it and make the area extra sensitive.
Cock CageA cock cage is a chastity device that wraps around the penis preventing masturbation, they are employed for discipline during bondage or BDSM.
Cock RingsA cock ring is worn around the base of the penis, some lads tuck their balls in too. Some come with vibrators for couples to enjoy and many swear they keep them harder for longer making ejaculation tougher.
Coil-Operated VibratorCoil operated vibrators produce very strong vibrations with higher intensity levels, they are usually plug-in vibrators with mains power.
CondomsCondoms are a thin covering that slips over the penis and works as a prophylactic to prevent diseases and can help prevent pregnancy; acting as a barrier with spermicide.
Concealed  Sex toyA concealed sex toy is one that you can leave out in the open. Beautiful glass toys that could pass for tasteful ornaments, Fleshlights that look like flasks, lipsticks bullet vibrators and even raunchy rubber ducks for a rub in your bath-tub.
Couples Toys‘Couples toy’ could apply to many toys, but some are designed with two people in mind whether that is a double-ended dildo, pegging toys, a vibrating cock-ring, or an app-controlled vibrator.
CropThis is something known as a riding crop in horse-riding circles, another great dominators tool adapted from an everyday object. You can get softer/vanilla versions for those who prefer lighter bondage.

Cuffs refer to fabric cuffs, often they are leather with chains, unlike handcuffs, they come for wrists ankles and even necks.

Cupping Toys                                                             

Cupping is the practice of suction on torsos. Most are transparent so you can see the results. You place the cup where you desire and pull the top part to create a vacuum sucking the skin inside.



Cyberskin is a relatively new material to the market for fabricating sex toys for realistic skin-like textures, appearances and feel. It is similar to silicone but a little fleshier.


Dental Retractor

A Dental retractor is a device used by those who enjoy medical-themed bondage. It is usually metallic and it holds the mouth wide open.


Dilation Toys 

Dilation toys are very thin vibrators or dildo’s some have a tapered tip. Postmenopausal women and post-operative transgender individuals use them to dilate their vaginas


A dildo traditionally is a softer toy, some are phallic with testicles and many also vibrate these days.



A dildo harness is a wearable strap or pair of pants that you can fit a dildo into for pegging, lesbian penetrative sex, and gender-fluid couples fun.


Double Dildo

A double dildo is a dildo with two ends some are straight and can be used by two people at once sometimes called a double-ended dildo and others are u shaped for double penetration.


Double Penetration Toys 

Dildo’s and vibrators with 2 arms that can be inserted into the vagina and ass at the same time. Or a wearable dildo a man use to penetrate both holes of his partner. One with his cock and the other with the dildo.



A douche is for cleansing an orifice for hygiene usually this is the vagina with the back passage looked after with an enema.


Drilldo Attachment 

Drilldo attachments are dildos that feature a universal drill bit in their base allowing you to connect the toy to a regular drill.


Edible Panties 

Garments made from edible substances such as candy so you can eat them from your partners’ crotch.


An egg refers to egg-shaped toys and tools on the market some for pelvic exercising and others for masturbation. They could also refer to ovipositor products.


Ejaculating Toys

Ejaculating toys are toys that you can pre-fill with lubricants (some specially formulated to resemble cum) and they will release inside your body.



Electro-stimulation is the practice of electrically stimulating your partner with small shocks or a fluid flow of electricity.


Electric Vibrators

Electric vibrators are considered pretty extreme they are exactly as they sound vibrators that give off a small current that you can insert.


Electric Pinwheel

An electric pinwheel is a device that resembles a rotating pastry cutting wheel. It has a handle to hold and you can roll it over the skin. It emits electrical charges upon contact.


Enema Kits

Enema kits are for flushing out your anus a common liquid treatment for constipation that can help reassure that you are clean for anal play.


Enema Wand 

An enema wand is a device for performing a quick, cleansing enema you insert the thin wand in your ass and let the water flow. Some can be attached to the shower or faucet.


Erotic Books

Erotic books are fiction novels that have an explicit nature. They have a focus on the sex-life of the protagonist.



Erotica is the official genre for erotic stories or books (see above), sometimes called Literotica.


Face-Sitting Dildos

Sometimes worn for humiliation by a dominatrices slave. They are masks or gags that strap around the face and accommodate a dildo at the mouth or nose area for the woman to sit on.


Femdom   Toys &Accessories

Femdom products are used by a female dominatrix, there is a huge variety, often CBT toys and strap-ons for pegging.


Fetish Toys

Fetish toy is a catch-all term for toys that fit a kinkier lifestyle. Anything from the world of BDSM from masks all the way to feet you can fuck.


Fetish Wear

Clothing for fetish lifestyles, generally PVC, latex and rubber or leather manufactured. From regular lingerie to entire bodysuits.


Figging is the practice of carving a DIY toy from a large ginger root to add a tingling sensation. Something that is not for everyone that can be replicated safely with stimulating gels and adult toys.


Finger Massager

A finger massager is a wearable miniature vibrator that you put on your finger to explore your partner with spicing up fingering and foreplay. Small enough to use on nipples and focus on the clit.


Fisting Toys

Fisting toys are large dildos for those who like a fuller feeling. Sometimes they are modeled on a real fist with a cast taken.


Flavored  Condoms

Condoms that have a flavoring that allow for protected fellatio that doesn’t taste terrible.


An artificial vaginal/anus or mouth opening in the form of a sleeve within a hardy enclosure that can be used to stroke your cock with and simulate the real deal.


Flogging Toys

Shortened whips, sometimes leather thongs sometimes lighter fabrics. They may have knots tied for more impact.



A mechanical device with a piston-like arm for mounting toys on to thrust and penetrate you, that won’t tire.


FTM Stroker

FTM strokers are designed for those who were female at birth who are in the process of taking hormones and transitioning to male. They are cup-like and can be used as a male masturbator for those who haven’t got a penis.


G-Spot Stimulators

G-Spot stimulators are toys designed with curves in all the right places to seek out the sensitive G-spot areas in men and women for orgasmic experiences.


Genital Clamp

Just like the clamps we already described they pinch the skin and can be used with chains to clamp the genital areas open or closed or just plain squished.


Gimp Mask

A gimp mask is a slang term for a bondage hood (almost always a male submissive) they are generally tight rubber or leather and have zippers around the mouth area.


Girth Enhancer

Girth enhancers are soft wearable sleeves that you can wear on your cock to fatten up the shaft and give your lover extra width. Some have bumps or ribbing to add exciting textures.


Glove Massager

A wearable foreplay glove with textures to stroke and massage oiled-up skin. Some versions available are even a bit like vibrating mittens.


Glass Dildo

A hardened dildo sometimes called a crystal dildo. They are blown into various forms some have swirled ribbing patterns along the shafts.



A kinky set of metal police-style cuffs which usually lock- so don’t lose the keys. Some may be fur-covered for comfort.

Hands-free Toys

Hands-free toys are also sometimes called ridable toys. Expensive ones even come mounted on pillows, stools or chairs.



A harness is a wearable strap to place a dildo through to penetrate another person if you lack the required appendages.



Although they are a little gimmicky, a heeldo is a dildo with a strap attachment that you can wear on your foot and fuck your self with.


Heterosexual  Toys 

Hetero sexual toys are designed for male and female couples, usually, they attach to a penis headed straight for a vagina.


Hitachi Magic Wand

Hitachi Magic Wand was intended to be a massaging device. Powered with strong vibrations and pulses through its bulbous head it was soon adopted as an adult toy.



A sub-genre of fetish, where the sub acts like a pony wearing fetish wear that fits the theme. They often have butt-plugs with long hair for tails and wear horse-bits as gags and controlled with riding crops.



A humbler is a bar-shaped device with a hole to place the testicles through it is twisted and pulled behind the person flat against the back of their thighs pulling their balls behind them.


Impotence / Erectile Dysfunction Aids

These are products and stimulants designed to help keep a flaccid penis erect. The most notorious being Viagra.


Inflatable Doll

An inflatable doll is a sex doll that you can blow-up or pump full of air into a human-like form. They have internal canals that you can penetrate.


Inflatable Plugs

Butt plugs that are made of a stretchy rubber that can be inserted and inflated from the outside to stretch your ass.


Jelly Toys

Jelly toys are usually made from TPE or TPR. In recent years the safety of these toys for bodily use is being heavily discussed as they break down over time.


Jiggle Balls

Jiggle balls are a weighted ball to insert in the vagina they are pretty much the same as a Ben Wa ball.


Kegel Balls

Worn inside the vagina to help strengthen the Kegel muscles at the opening of the genitals.


Kegel Eggs

An egg-shaped version of Kegel balls for exercising your vaginal muscles and keeping things tight downstairs.


Kegel ExerciseToys

Any toy developed especially for developing the Kegel muscles within the vagina, such as the balls and eggs but also some wands.


Latex Toys & Accessories

Simply put, things made from latex it is another polymer-based material and again you need to be wary of what lubricants you use with penetrating toys. Many enjoy latex clothing to dress up in.


Latex Gloves

A pair of medical-grade latex gloves can enhance fingering and foreplay for many people especially those with latex or medical fetishes.


Leg Spreaders

A BDSM favorite spreader bars keep the subs body parts where you want them and provide access to all areas preventing them from closing their legs.


Lesbian Toys

These toys are designed for two women to share, they include a huge range of products from-strap-ons to butterfly vibrators.


Libido Enhancers

A libido enhancer is an aphrodisiac, they can be additives in a personal lubricant or edibles to help get you in the mood.



A bullet-style vibrator disguised as a lipstick. They usually twist on and if you want to carry it in your handbag with your regular make-up we suggest one with a lock to avoid embarrassment.


Love Doll

A love doll is another name for a sex doll, whether it is inflatable or full-size and made from silicone.


Love Egg

Egg-shaped vibrating eggs that usually have a remote to control them with some are even app-controlled they can add fun for couples.


Lube Shooter

A lube shooter is a pipette for applying lubricant into harder to reach places. A little like a small turkey baster for your holes.



A moisturizer for personal areas to help things slide without any discomfort. There are many different types.


Magic Wand

A name for wand style vibrators that are a lot like the Hitachi and usually mains powered some with interchangeable heads.



Manacles are a type of heavy metal cuffed shackle with chains that may be used in BDSM relationships as a restraint.


Male Masturbator

A male masturbator is designed for men to penetrate, sometimes called a pocket pussy most are tube-like and discreet others are shaped like a body portion with a realistic ass and pussy.


Marital Aid

Adult toys are sometimes called marital aids they help bring the excitement back into the sex lives of couples who have become disinterested.



Face coverings worn for sexual activities are called masks. Dated back to masquerade orgies they would have sex with one another and keep identities hidden to prevent envy.



An innocent description for a vibrator, quite often a discreet shipping label for a sex-toy will state massager as the contents.


Monster Dildo

The name given to a dildo of unnatural proportions, huge girth, and massive length or a large dildo designed to look like the genitals of a monster or demon.



Muzzles are worn on the face much like an animal muzzle in the B& D world some are animal-themed.


Nipple Clamps

Nipple clamps are clamps for the nipple like a clothes peg. Some come in pairs chained together, one for each nipple.


Nipple Pumps

Pumps to attach to nipples and perform suction on the area, pulling them sometimes quite extremely.



Oil is often used as a lubricant for sexual activity or for massaging. Plenty of people oil their entire bodies giving them a slippery sensation.


Oil-Based Lubricant

An oil-based lubricant features oils within its formula. Oil is water-resistant so it can be used in the tub or shower.



A newer fetish item that implants eggs into your orifices. The eggs are either jelly lubricants or are hard so that they can be pushed out or “laid”.



Paddles are a handled spanking device usually with a large surface area to give a good spank. Some are textured to leave a mark.

Packing Pants

These are underwear for keeping a packing penis in for women who don’t identify with their gender assigned at birth.


Packing Toys

A flaccid silicone phallus for everyday-wear by FTM people before they have surgery or if they don’t want surgery and gender-reversal-role-play.


Panty                  Vibrator

A low profile vibrator that can be used with underwear on a little plug like in appearance. There are also panties with a small flat vibrational area in the gusset.


Pegging Toys

Toys that allow a woman without a penis to give a man anal sex. Some strap on with a harness. Others are strap-less, triple-ended dildos to insert in the ass and vagina with the third used on the partner.


Pelvic Wand

Designed with anatomical forms to reach sensitive areas deep within the pelvic floor muscles.


Penis Cloning Kits

These are kits that let you cast someones’ penis first you get an impression of it then you fill it with silicone to set. Some come with a vibrational motor you can add inside before it sets.


Penis Enlarger

Penis enlargers are longer phalluses that can be worn over an erect cock to add length and sometimes girth too.


Penis Extender

Devices to help lengthen or straighten a penis. They usually have rubber resistant parts that stretch the muscles over time. Some have hard rods that hold the penis stretched for longer durations.


Penis Pump

A pump that provides suction when placed over the penis. Some are for the entire thing others are smaller for just the head. Some are marketed for penis enlargement others are for CBT.


Penis Sleeve

The name given to a rubber or silicone sleeve that fits inside a male masturbator or just a sleeve that can be used as a stroker. Some are textured to match vaginal walls or the rectum.


Penis Stroker

These can be fleshy sleeves that you plunge your penis into and use a stroking motion to create suction or palm-sized textured silicone that you can use in your hand to masturbate with.



A device that you can roll across your partner some have sharpened points along the wheel/disc to inflict a little pain.


Pocket Rocket

A compact vibrator with its main focus at the flattened tip which has removable and interchangeable tip-coverings. They are nubbed with different patterns.



Visual, sexual depictions, either in a picture or video format. To stimulate erotic and sexual arousal.


Power                 Spinner

Another drill attachment for getting your partner off. Some are insertable and dildo like and others are for external use and are like textured discs of donuts.


Prostate Stimulators

Orgasmic toys designed ergonomically to stimulate the male prostate or g-spot inside the anus.



A pulsator is an electronic vibrator that has a pulsing electronic current for an interrupted vibration.


Pulsating Shower head

A shower attachment that runs the water in pulsating bursts for some pretty fantastic shower time.


Pussy Cloning Kit

Like the cock cloning kits but made to take an internal negative cast of a vagina to reproduce in silicone.


Pyrex Toys

Toys formed from a non-shatter glass material formed with borax but totally body-safe.


Queening  Stool                                      

A stool for a dominatrix to sit on with a hole for a slaves face below.


Rabbit Vibrator

A vibrator that features a secondary smaller arm that is angled toward the clitoris. They usually have two small fronds that resemble bunny ears.


Rechargeable Toys

Fairly self-explanatory, toys that use rechargeable batteries that don’t need replacing.


Remote Control Toys

Toys with controls that are separate from the toy itself, sometimes they are wired and sometimes wireless.



Anything you might use to tie a sexual partner up with, ropes, bondage tape, chains, and cuffs are all included.


Ribbed Condoms

A condom with raised thickened bands/rings along the shaft area to provide additional sensations during sex.



A good old fashioned restraint for bondage. Varied thicknesses are available and a variety of knots can be used.



A rotobator is a male masturbator or stroker that rotates as the name suggests. It provides hands-free automated relief.


Rubber Toys

Toys that are made from rubber or elastic polymers such as latex typically they are dildos and artificial pussies they have a fleshier texture.


Sensual Intelligence Technology

A technology that SaSi vibrators are programmed with to respond to the user and learn what they like it has a don’t stop button that forces it to continue with the pattern it has randomly chosen.


Sex Cage

A sex cage is for keeping a consenting sexual partner in some are very large and others on the smaller side. Most are metal and many incorporate locks and cuffs.


Sex Dolls

Sex dolls are inanimate partners. Expensive models contain skeletal armature structures and can be positioned. You can choose every last detail and use every hole you can afford to install.


Sex Drills

Drill and sometimes gun-style dildos mounted on a handheld spinning or thrusting device.


Sex Machines

Various robotic and mechanical devices for mounting sex toys to thrust and penetrate the body, often at very rapid speeds. They can be free-standing or mountable chair-like structures.


Sex Pillow

A sex pillow can help position you more comfortably for attempting a variety of sex-positions they are very useful for the less able-bodied.


Sex Ramp

A sex ramp can be like a sex pillow in a wedge shape. Some are hardened and wooden and installed in sex-rooms by sadomasochists.


Sex Swing

A ceiling mountable swing harness popular with couples who indulge in kinkier sex. It provides natural back and forth motions and takes less stamina.


Sex Stimulants

These are edible stimulants that get the libido going or added ingredients to lubricants that give pleasurable sensations.


Sex Toys For Men

In spite of gender fluidity, these toys require a penis to use them practically.

Sex Toys NonBinary& Transgendered

Toys specifically designed with gender transition or role-reversal in mind such as FTM strokers, packing toys and harnesses.


Sex Toys For Women

Toys that are for vaginal use or toys that need two holes to fill are often labeled as toys for women.


Sexy Gifts

These tend to be on the lighter side of things, novelty toys or lingerie and even games with an adult theme.



Shackles are a hardcore style of cuff restraint for practicing bondage. Some are fabric imitations and others are metallic and weighted.


Silicone Toys

Toys made from silicone give a realistic, flesh-like feeling and can be more pleasurable than a plastic toy.


Silicone Based Lubricant

Lubricants with a silicone-based formula are long-lasting and very water-resistant. They are thick enough for anal but cant be used with silicone toys and are tough to wash off.


Silver Bullet Vibrator

A popular branded style if bullet vibrator. With a discreet, tiny size but deceptively powerful vibrations.


Sleep Sack

Sometimes called a body-sack, used for putting a bound sub inside and zipping up. Some are airtight and have a mouth-hole for breathing. They can be vacuumed tightening over the body.


Smart Toys

There are a variety of vibrators and masturbators that come with apps to control them. Some can sync with pornographic videos and replicate on-screen action. This can be enhanced with virtual reality.



Sounds is the name given to a thin probe that can be inserted into the urethra (male or female) they come in sets that increase in size – not for the faint-hearted.


Sperm Stopper

A metallic cock ring device that sits behind the head of the penis. It has a small smoother hook that reaches up and over with a ball-shaped that is inserted into the urethra.


Spider Gag

A type of mouth opener with arms that hook inside the cheek and an elasticated strap that goes around the back of the head and a second set of hooks for the other cheek. They spread the mouth open for oral sex.


Spreader Bars

Hardy bars with cuffs and chains that spread legs or ankles apart that can chain to arms and neck or ceiling and bed mounts to keep a partner in a submissive position.



Modeled on ye olde punishment restraints, stocks and pillories are wooden devices with holes for the head and hands to go through. They close over the neck and wrists or they are for the feet closing at the ankles.



A strap-on is a dildo that you can strap to yourself to fuck a partner with. They can be for females to penetrate with or for males to double penetrate with.


Strapless Strap-On

A dildo for pegging a partner that is attached with no harness but is inserted by the penetrator instead. They can be double-ended or triple-ended.


Stretching Toys

Toys to stretch holes with, they may come in sets of progressing sizes like plugs for your arse or may just be very large dildoes or rubber fists.


String of Pearls

A string of pearls is another name for a set of beads or balls strung together. Sometimes in varying sizes, usually for anal stimulation.


Suction Cups

Suction cups are cups that you can draw the skin into by pulling the top layer and vacuuming the air.


Suction-Cup Based Toys

Typically dildo’s (some male masturbators too) that have a suction cup so you can stick them to a surface and screw them silly. Eliminating the need to hold them.



Are tails made of wool, fur or hair they are either sewn onto panties or attached to an anal plug that you can insert into your ass.


Tenga Egg

An egg-shaped men’s toy that caps over the head of the penis and can be manipulated by hand. Available with a wide variety of internal patterns and very stretchy.


Thrusting Toys

Vibrators that have an end that lengthens and shortens concertina-style inside of you giving a thrusting feeling.


Thrusting Chair

A chair with a motorized piston, you can sit on a toy and it will do all the work. Some have restraints as well.



Like a feather duster and used to tickle a partner great in a pleasure-pain situation.


Training Beads

Beads of varying sizes to insert into the ass and stretch the sphincter muscles.


Training Plugs

Usually sold as a set of 3 or 5 these plugs go up in size to train your anus muscles into relaxing enough for anal sex. Some are stand-alone plugs with three bulges that increase in girth.


Toy Mounts

Pillows or chairs and wall mounts that can hold a toy still for you.


TPE Toys

Thermoplastic elastomer is a man-made material used for sex-toys there is a little debate on how long they can safely be used before they begin to deteriorate.


Urethra Probes

Long thin (usually stainless steel) rods of varying sizes that can be inserted into the urethra.


Urethral Stimulation

The practice of stimulating around and placing things within the urethra such as sounds to stretch them with.


Vaginal Toys

Toys for vaginal insertion, typically those which wouldn’t fit an ass, for example, a rabbit vibrator which is ergonomically curved for a women’s body.


Vibrating Cock Ring

A cock-ring that sports a miniature vibrator that can stimulate a clitoris when deeply penetrating.


Vibrating Plugs

Plugs for your butt that can also vibrate. Some have a wired separate remote, they usually have many settings to explore.


Vibrating Tongue Bar

Vibrating jewelry for people with tongues piercings to make cunnilingus or fellatio more interesting.


Vibrating Tongue ring

A vibrator with a sleeve or ring that you can slip onto your tongue to pleasure partners orally with.



A device that contains a motor and producing vibrations. Many have selectable patterns and speeds to choose from.



Long thin vibrators, most shaped for accessing g-spot areas.


Wahl Vibrator

Another tool originally innocently developed for alleviating muscular pains now very popular in the bedroom. Mains-powered with multiple attachments.


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