In the adult industry line of work while there is always a huge number of queries very few 1 in a 10,000 is a genuine paying customer, rest of the queries are casual time pass. So, to filter genuine queries from time pass we ask for Rs 999 towards a 1 year paid membership registration.
You may ask many other service providers offer pictures, rates etc for free. Well over 50% of adult entertainment service providers have pictures only. They cannot deliver anything except pictures in real. Also in this line of work customers also come seeking free pictures rates only. So, deal with the registration free service provider at your own risk.
In case you are not serious about taking any service from us for FREE you can follow us on Facebook, Instragram, Telegram, subscribe to our blog emails, check our WhatsApp Status updates and also get occasional updates reminders over WhatsApp messages. You can also unsubscribe anytime.
Also you can get a registration charge waiver if you can connect with a paying customer. If the reference customer you give us pays the Rs 999 and then we will waive off your registration charge’s.
We are also willing to work on profit sharing between 10-25% of the profits for the customers you bring in our network.